.. _pew-library-additions: Pew Library Additions Reference =============================== All functionality of the regular :py:mod:`pewpew:pew` library is supported by PicoPew. In addition, the function described here is available. .. module:: pew .. function:: palette([pal], [offset=0]) Sets the mapping from the color numbers used elsewhere in the library to actual colors on the display. ``pal`` is a sequence (``bytes``, ``bytearray``, ``list``, …) of R, G, B, R, G, B, … values for up to 256 colors (i.e. 768 elements), each with values from 0 = off to 255 = full brightness. PicoPew only has a red-green display and ignores the blue components. ``offset`` cyclically shifts the palette. Passing no palette preserves the previous one and only adjusts the offset, which may be useful for some animations. Passing an empty palette or ``None`` sets a default palette, described below. Changes take effect at the next ``pew.show()``. The palette is preserved by ``pew.init()``, much like ``pew.brightness()``, so that a choice made by the user before starting a program stays in effect, unless the program explicitly sets its own palette (see ``tint.py``). This is the default palette (colors are approximate due to the very different characteristics of the LED matrix versus a computer monitor): .. image:: palette.png :align: center Expressed in terms of the bits of the color value, it works like this: = = = = = == === ====== ========================= 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 = = = = = == === ====== ========================= 0 0 darkness red green *red/green compatible* - - -------- --- ------ ------------------------- 0 1 hue brightness *single-color compatible* - - -------- ---------- ------------------------- 1 red green *true-color* = ======= ============= =========================